


弗吉尼亚E. Hahn Memorial Scholarship was endowed by the generosity of a lifelong history teacher to support students who share her vision and passion for teaching history.

First-year students who plan to study history with the intent to teach history at a high-school or university level are invited to apply for the 哈恩奖学金. 这个奖项, 价值5美元,每年可达1000万或更多, is available in addition to other scholarships or grants awarded by North Park (some restrictions to this stipulation do exist; see below). The 哈恩奖学金 is renewable annually based on the requirements listed below.


Students are selected for the 哈恩奖学金 based on the following criteria:

  • Admission to North Park University as a first-year student for the 2024 fall semester
  • Completion of the online Hahn scholarship application
  • ACT/SAT考试成绩
  • High-school academic record, including GPA
  • Scholarship essay of 300–400 words describing why you want to teach history and how North Park will help prepare you to do so


If selected for a 哈恩奖学金s, students must meet the following criteria in order to renew the award:

  • Enrollment in a history class during both semesters of the first year at North Park
  • A timely declaration of history as a major
  • Admission into the education program at a timely point if the student intends to teach at the high-school level
  • Once enrolled in the respective history and education 项目, timely progress toward completion
  • Full-time enrollment at North Park University
  • 校园实习

Failure to meet the terms of the scholarship may result in a partial decrease or full loss of the 哈恩奖学金.


The deadline for admitted students to complete all application materials is April 15, 2024, for 2024 fall-semester enrollment.


Recipients of a 哈恩奖学金 for the fall semester will be notified by May 1, and the full amount of your yearly award will appear as part of your 经济援助计划.


  • 根据大学政策, the total value of North Park academic scholarships and grants (institutional aid that does not need to be repaid) given to any student cannot exceed the cost of tuition.
  • The 哈恩奖学金 may not be deferred to a later start date. A student who defers matriculation at North Park must reapply for the 哈恩奖学金 and will be considered in a new round of applicants for the appropriate start term.